Cycles de Vie et Styles de Vie - Formation Enseignant Kundalini - Yoga Level 2

14mai(mai 14)5:00 apm20(mai 20)5:00 apmCycles de Vie et Styles de Vie - Formation Enseignant Kundalini - Yoga Level 2

Détails de l'évènement


Dans ce module, vous en viendrez à une nouvelle compréhension de votre vie actuelle, à guérir votre passé et à en tirer des enseignements, et à vous connecter à votre destin. Ce sera une semaine de guérison, de transformation et d’expansion.

The Lifecycles are a wonderful tool to look at your life: how did the pieces of the puzzle come together? Which choices did I make? Where am I at now and where am I going? How can I live my highest potential?

In this module we’ll also work with the process of dying. We will do meditations to learn how to face our own death. Doing this you will also learn how to help other people to die in peace.
And also:
Sexuality and Spirituality
Rebirthing, healing the past
Prosperity and Succes
Midlife crisis, confronting your shadow
Habits that support your highest potential, your devotion and vitality


14 (Mercredi) 5:00 apm - 20 (Mardi) 5:00 apm


Ecole de Vie Gur Prasaad



Sat Atma Kaur Khalsa

Sat Atma is the founder of the School of Life GUR PRASAAD.

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