Sat Nam Rasayan Training Level 2

Deep meditation for healing others

Level 2, Healer

This 2nd part of the Sat Nam Rasayan training trains you to be a professional healer. It takes -at least- 2 years.

In these 2 years you will learn different approaches in Sat Nam Rasayan and you will go deeper in your personal development as a healer and a human being. Daily practice of meditation and regular healing practice are an important part of the training.

In these 2 years of the Sat Nam Rasayan training Level 2 there are 5 weekends at the School of Life Gur Prasaad each year. Apart from that you need to experience each year 4 days of classes with Guru Dev Singh, master of Sat Nam Rasayan at this time. For his updated schedule please look at

In the last half year of the Level 2 training you will follow and heal a patient for at least 3 months and write a report about it. At the end of Level 2 when you have participated in all the teaching days and have completed your report, there is an exam.


In this part of the training the student healer deepens his/her experience of the meditative projective mind. The development of this relationship is the most important part of the learning proces: to be present in your meditative projective mind, stably and with the intensity required, is what brings healing.

In Level 2 you will learn 5 different approaches in Sat Nam Rasayan:

  • Elements
  • Forms
  • Impact
  • Dream State
  • Art of Knowing

These approaches allow you to work faster and more efficiently. You will also learn why and in which situation you chose for a certain approach.

During the training we will somewhat go into different supporting disciplines, such as yoga, meditation, knowledge of food as medicine and humanology. Stories from different spiritual traditions and the science of consciousness, on a universal and on a personal level, are part of the training.

The human being and the whole world consist of 5 elements: earth, water, fire, air and ether. You learn to feel this in your direct perception. By a movement in the consciousness you can strengthen an element, weaken it or bring it in balance and harmony.

Forms and symbols have their own electro-magnetic field and carry a certain set of characteristics. With the meditative projective mind we use them for healing. We work with known symbols such as numbers, geometrical forms, planets, the Tarot etc, and also with forms that only have meaning for the healer himself.

In resonance or impact you learn to be aware of all that is happening in and around your patient during a healing. Each healing impacts the whole system of the patient. You also learn to treat a problem somewhere in the system through another place, organ or chakra in the patient.

The dream state is a trance like state in which you become conscious of the continuous flow of images that is happening in the subconsciousness and use it for healing. The dream state is a great way to work with deeper, emotional and complicated problems.

Art of Knowing
The art of knowing gives us access to all the knowledge in the universe. By giving up our present knowledge and by allowing non-attachment, we arrive to a state where the needed knowledge is right here.

The Exam

Level 2 of the Sat Nam Rasayan training is concluded by an exam. You are eligible for the exam if you:

  • have the diploma Sat Nam Rasayan level I.
  • have attended all training days in the 2 years.
  • have made the report in which you describe the process of treating a patient during 3 months.

The exam costs E 108,-. You will receive the diploma from the School of Sat Nam Rasayan in Rome. We will invite Sadhu Singh from Vienna/Mexico to come and preside over the exam.


The price is € 900, for 6 weekends or €175,- for one weekend.

Accommodation and food costs € 75,- when you arrive on Friday evening (light meal included) and € 55,- when you arrive on Saturday morning. Lunch on Saturday is a shared meal.

Please note: For €11.00 the first year, you must also become a member of the Gur Prasaad Association. The price is free for subsequent years.

You can pay by sending a cheque or by sending your payment directly to the Association Gur Prasaad on account number FR76 4255 9100 0008 0235 2040 501 in St. Martial 30440 France. We will need a minimum number of participants for this course.

Practical information

The training takes place in the School of Life Gur Prasaad. It is situated in the beautiful and wild mountain range Les Cévennes in the south of France, an hour and a half from Montpellier and Nîmes.


Level 2     2024-2025

Dates: 1-2 June 2024 | 21-22 September 2024 | 16-17 November 2024 | 8-9 February 2025 | 12-13 April 2025 | 12-13 July 2025

For further information, please contact us:

"When you become calm and still, the universe starts moving for you."

Guru Dev Singh

Guru Dev Singh

In this course, you will learn how to enter the state of Shunya, the inner silence, and how to stabilise yourself in this state, enter into a relationship with the client and dissolve resistance. You will also learn how to end the relationship in such a way that you do not absorb your client's suffering. We can also work on other subjects.

During your training, you will work with a partner, alternating between carer and cared-for. Later, you will also work with a person from outside the group. We also practise kundalini yoga meditations.


This training will be given by Sat Atma Kaur Khalsa. She has been studying with Guru Dev since 1990. For her, learning, travelling and teaching the Sat Nam Rasayan path is a never-ending adventure that opens the heart and deepens the experience of presence. Sat Atma is also a kundalini yoga teacher and teacher trainer. There will be one or two guest teachers alongside Sat Atma.


€900 for a single payment at registration 2 months before the start of the training. €175 per weekend if you choose the pay-per-weekend option

Board and lodging in a dormitory: 55 euros per weekend for 3 meals and an overnight stay. If you arrive on Friday evening, overnight accommodation and dinner are €25. Lunch on Saturday will be a meal shared. The financial aspect should not be an obstacle, contact Sat Atma to find a solution. 

Introduction & Contact

There will be several introduction days. You will find information in the agenda or in FB: Kundalini Club Cévennes

For info and registration:, 07 54 32 06 76
