Teacher Training Level 2                                    

Mind and Meditation from 17 to 23 May 2024

Life Cycles and Life Styles from 30 September to 6 October 2024

Authentic Relationships from 14 to 20 May 2025







A balance between VITALITY & STRESS is essential for our experience of well being. Vitality is living life actively and creatively:

  • Living life actively and creatively
  • joy and celebration
  • community with other people
  • resilience
  • self-healing
  • inner leadership.

Stress is the biggest factor in creating illness. Stress is also an important reason for many people to start going to yoga class. Helping people to lower their stress level is an essential skill of a yoga teacher. Aider les gens à réduire leur niveau de stress est une compétence essentielle d’un enseignant de yoga.

“In this game mastery is the goal and your main enemy is stress. When you are under stress you begin to lose your mind slowly, to a very polite degree. …. You begin to live in the past. You do not act in the present but according to overlays from your past. …. Do you understand how this stress pattern works to lock you into the mind’s intrigues? It turns the three minds against you.”
Yogi Bhajan

In this Level 2 module you will look at your own balance between Vitality and Stress. Where does stress come from, in body, mind and emotions? What is the difference between stress that exhausts you and stress that gives you energy?

How do you take care of yourself? How do you prevent the build-up of toxic stress and how do you get rid of it, once you have it?

Vous chercherez à créer des habitudes qui favorisent la vitalité  dans votre rythme quotidien,dans votre image de vous-même et dans votre image du monde,

  • In your physical activity
  • In your meditation
  • In your food

Self-love is an important element in creating these habits.

We'll look at ways of coping with crisis, trauma, addiction, exhaustion and pain, as well as success, love and luck. Build an attitude of gratitude, acceptance, forgiveness and transformation. Celebrate the gift of life.

Connecting to the Infinite, inside and out, brings inner peace, confidence and a great projection of living your life according to your destiny and your greatest service to the world.


In this module you will come to a new understanding of your life now, heal your past and learn from it, and connect to your destiny. It will be a week of healing, transformation and expansion.

The Lifecycles are a wonderful tool to look at your life: how did the pieces of the puzzle come together? Which choices did I make? Where am I at now and where am I going? How can I live my highest potential?

In this module we’ll also work with the process of dying. We will do meditations to learn how to face our own death. Doing this you will also learn how to help other people to die in peace.
And also:
Sexuality and Spirituality
Rebirthing, healing the past
Prosperity and Succes
Midlife crisis, confronting your shadow
Habits that support your highest potential, your devotion and vitality


In this module, we work with the mind, thought and thoughts. The mind is also the tool we use to develop our consciousness. Consciousness is always present, but because thoughts are so busy, you often don't notice that you also have consciousness. In this module, you'll learn how to use awareness and experience what it's like not to focus your attention on thoughts.

"When you conquer your thoughts, you conquer the whole world". Guru Nanak in Japji

During these 6 days :
- we study the yogic model of the mind, with its 9 aspects, 27 projections and 81 facets, as explained by Yogi Bhajan.
- you will consciously engage with your own mental processes, whether positive or negative, in order to get out of the automatic pilot of patterns.
- you'll deepen your meditation to connect with your base.
- to learn more about the anatomy of the brain; once again, to learn how to guide our thought processes instead of being subjected to them.

Your thought patterns determine your life, consciously or unconsciously. Your inner attitude determines the quality of your daily experiences. But the mind transcends thought, as Yogi Bhajan says: "When the mind flows, it erases all weaknesses."

We will study and experiment with ways of attuning consciousness to the mind:
-Shuniaa, the silence within.
-Intuition, your inner knowledge and the path to happiness.
-Mindfulness, attention and the subtle senses.
-Healing, deepening surrender and fluidity.
-Mantra, the sound of the Shabad Guru.

We'll be meeting out of town and away from our everyday environment so that we can emerge in our meditative spirit. There will be lots of yoga and meditation, moments of silence and sharing, diets to support the experience, and outdoor experiences.

We'll meet in a serene place, away from the city, far from everyday worries. There, you will be able to open up completely to your meditative being.
We do a lot of yoga and meditation and enter into silence. We also engage in expression, in which we share our experiences and together create a safe bed in which healing can take place. We are often outdoors and connect with Mother Earth and nature.


In this module we will focus on

  • The Experience of Authentic Relationship
  • Love and the Infinite Play of Love
  • The Law of Polarity in Relationship
  • Living as an Authentic Self
  • Divine Joy and the Play of Masculine and Feminine
  • Inheritance and Lineage: Passing on Grace and Consciousness.



"There should be no conflict. When the spirit is high and bright, the world can be taken care of, but when the spirit is down, the world will fall before it.
There is no place for excuses.”
Yogi Bhajan

Sat Atma Kaur is the lead trainer in this module. There will be an other expert teacher at her side. Languages are French and English, translated according to the needs of the participants.

Cost is E 550,- for the teachings and E 330,- for board and lodging,
210 €,- if you bring your own tent or camping car, to be paid before the 20th of the preceding month.

Arrival at 17.00. We will have dinner together at 18.00 and the first class starts at 19.00 that evening. The course is finished at 17.00 the last day.

You are welcome to attend a few days before and/or after the seminar.

The books and the DVD’s of the course are included in this price.

All are welcome who have finished KRI Teacher Training Level 1 or have a similar experience. 

As a part of the curriculum you will do a minimum of 90 days of meditation after this module. In this 90 day period you will meet with a part of the group at least 3 times to discuss your experience, watch the DVD’s again and study further the content of this module. In this period you will also do the multiple choice exam of this module.


For more information or to obtain a registration form, please write to Karan Shiva: contact.gurprasaad@gmail.com

« The moment you become zero, then all powers will prevail through you. » 

« Au moment ou tu deviens le point zéro, alors tous les pouvoirs passeront à travers toi. »

Yogi Bhajan
