Teacher Training Kundalini Yoga & Meditation Level 1

2024 & 2025 training at the GUR PRASAAD School of Life

The Kundalini Yoga

is the yoga of consciousness. Yoga means union or connection, it means being in touch with what is happening within yourself, in the world and in the cosmos. Yoga comes from the word yoke: a yoke has two ends that are connected. A yogi resolves the paradoxes in his life simply by his awareness and attitude. The yogi carries his yoke without feeling it as a burden.

Being a yoga teacher is more then a profession or an extra activity in your life. It is a path of personal transformation that is also your answer to the call of the world around you. Doing the training is not just about aquiring knowledge, but it is a process in which your experience guides you and gives you insight, consciousness and compassion. Doing yoga regularly is an absolute requirement for this transformation to take place.

Yogi Bhajan parle souvent de l’étudiant et de l’enseignant. Chaque professeur est un élève et chaque élève est un professeur. C’est pourquoi cette formation ne s’adresse pas seulement à ceux qui veulent enseigner le Kundalini Yoga, mais à tous ceux qui veulent construire une pratique régulière et approfondir leur expérience.

Un élément important de la formation est votre processus personnel de transformation. Au cours de cette année, vous trouverez des outils pour vous connecter à votre moi supérieur et pour faire un pas de plus dans la vie de votre destinée personnelle. Cette formation s’adresse donc également à ceux qui souhaitent approfondir les enseignements et leur pratique pour leur propre développement.

Introduction day

On date to come there will have an introduction at the school of life . On this day you can get to know the lead trainer and the place where the training is taking place. You will have an experience of an intensive practice and time for your questions. Costs are 11 €.

Please contact us to receive the zoom link to our meeting.

Price: €11 To register, contact Karan Shiva Kaur: contact.gurprasaad@gmail.com / +33(0)7 54 32 06 76

Sat Nam and see you soon!


The financial investment is:
1990 € if paid before 12 May 2024 for the year 2024
2,200 € after 12 May 2024
2300 € if paid in instalments (€500 on enrolment then €450 before each module)

This includes training fees and books including "La Touche du Maître". 55€/day for full-board accommodation, or 40€ per day if you stay in your own tent.

KRI holds the copyright to the books used for the training.

DATES, Info & registration

Dates for 2024 / 2025

    17-22 octobre 2024       /   13 -18 décembre 2024 /      17-23 février 2025      /      6-12 juin 2025

Each face-to-face module starts at 5pm on the first day and finishes at 5pm on the last day.

For further information, please contact Karan Shiva Kaur  à contact.gurprasaad@gmail.com or +33(0)7 54 32 06 76 if you would like to register for the course and obtain the registration form.

« A teacher is a self-surrender to his higher self. »
"A teacher is a self-surrender to his higher self."

Yogi Bhajan

Kundalini Yoga

Yogi Bhajan (1929-2004), master in Kundalini Yoga and Meditation, taught in 1969 in Los Angeles the first kundalini yoga class in the West. Since then he has taught and inspired thousands all over the world. He said: “I have come to train teachers, not to collect students”.

Yogi Bhajan founded 3HO, the Healthy, Happy, Holly organisation, and KRI, the Kundalini Yoga Research Institute. 3HO is a non-profit educational organisation based on the idea: "Happiness is your birthright".

There are now 3HO Kundalini Yoga centres all over the world.

« The moment you become zero, then all powers will prevail through you. » 

« Au moment ou tu deviens le point zéro, alors tous les pouvoirs passeront à travers toi. »

Yogi Bhajan
