Living the inner spark

Kundalini Yoga & Sat Nam Rasayan

Our Vision

L’École de Vie ‘Gur Prasaad’ In the wild mountains ‘Les Cévennes’ in the south of France, 70 km north of Montpellier, in a traditional farm house the School of Life Gur Prasaad is coming to life.

It is a place of learning for all, participants, volunteers and those of us living here. Learning the teachings of Yogi Bhajan in many forms and also learning in daily life: communication, mastering the nine holes*, karma yoga and co-creation.

In yoga we recognise that mastery of the 9 holes (2 ears, 2 eyes, 2 nostrils, the mouth and the apertures for elimination and sexual life) leads to opening the 10th gate at the top of the head. Through that gate universal energy flows, awakening and illuminating the consciousnes. Controlling the 9 gates means consciously aligning their input and output to your highest self.

A cosy yoga community that runs a succesful eco-retreat centre for courses and events in all aspects of the teachings of Yogi Bhajan, such as Kundalini yoga & meditation, Sat Nam Rasayan Healing, Naad yoga, Shabad Guru, Sikh Dharma, humanology, women’s teachings, Teacher Training and more.

The land and the house are cared for in an ecological way including organic gardens, fruit trees, renewable energies, waste water treatment for re-use, sustainable materials in building and maintenance, and with respect for the local heritage both natural and cultural.

The centre is called School of Life which relates to a commitment to learning. Learning the teachings, the lessons in daily life and ultimately learning to be a happy human being that is committed to being part of the solution and not of the problem, personally and globally.

Gur Prasaad means ‘by Guru’s Grace’. The Guru is the power that brings you from shadow to light, from confusion to clarity, duality to unity and from conflict to flow. Gur is also the technology, the method so Gur Prasaad is the technology of grace; living in grace, being carried by grace.

‘Gur’ c’est aussi la technologie, la méthode – ainsi Gur Prasaad est la technologie de la grâce; vivre en état de grâce, être porté par la grâce. Reconnaître la présence infinie de la grâce à nos côtés, dans nos pensées, paroles et actes. Nous faisons partie de cet être subtil indéfinissable qui pourtant est aussi au-delà de nous.

Wahé Guru!
