Sustaining the spark
Lifestyle & living
ੴ Yogic lifestyle
We get up early in the morning and do sadhana together, our daily practice of yoga, meditation and Naad yoga, recitation and chants of mantra’s, to cleanse our body and mind so our soul may shine all day long.
We eat organic and vegan food, keeping our bodies healthy, young and strong. Besides the vegan food has a global impact, on the one hand lowering CO2 emission by diminishing the CO2 that the meat and dairy industry produces. On the other hand creating the possibility that everybody has enough to eat using our resources in a sustainable way.
Drugs, alcohol and tabacco are not welcome. We feel that they do not support the development and elevation of the consciousness.
We work together to support the centre and ourselves.
ੴ Eco-living
At The School of Life Guru Prasaad we tread lightly on the earth.
We eat organic food, mostly local. We hope to become pretty self sufficient in energy. The plan is: solar hot water and solar panels for the electricity. Heating is on wood, eventually that would be the wood of the land here around us. Re-use of the grey water in the garden and composting of fecal matter from the dry toilets.
Living green to live simply, protect the earth, recycle and rejoice in the gifts of Mother Earth. Transport is not that green yet: to get here we drive our cars and fly regularly. Once there is plenty solar electricity maybe an electric car? There is already an electric bicycle!
There is nothing outside of us.
It’s all in us.